Where to Find Detox from Alcohol in Indianapolis, IN

Addiction Treatment, Drug Rehab

There are a growing number of resources available for people who are struggling with alcohol and/or drug addiction in Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding area. That’s great because it provides people with more options, but at the same time, it can also increase the difficulty for people who are trying to figure out which rehab is going to be best. 

Fortunately, if you take a little time to do some research, it isn’t hard to find a reliable treatment center that can help you detox from alcohol in Indianapolis, IN. Here’s what to look for. 


Find Reputable Addiction Treatment Facilities in Indianapolis, IN

Where to Find Detox from Alcohol in Indianapolis, INYour first concern should be in finding addiction treatment centers in Indianapolis, IN, that is reputable, licensed, and accredited, and that have a proven track record of success. Make sure that you ask what kind of licensing places have and if they are meeting standards of care. Check their affiliations and do a quick Internet search to make sure there’s no bad information out there. 

You’ll also want to ask the facility what type of treatments they use and whether they offer customized treatment plans for all patients. Although most rehabs do (have custom plans, that is), it is not a guarantee. Check out reviews and testimonials to see what people have to say firsthand about the treatment offered at the facility in question and whether it suits your needs. You’ll also be able to use the Internet to find out what types of programs they have, which factors into your next consideration. 


Consider Your Needs for Addiction Treatment in Indianapolis, IN

Everyone has different needs when it comes to alcohol detox in Indianapolis. Some people need medically-assisted detox (more on that in a bit) while others can just quit drinking and start attending AA meetings like it’s no big deal. There’s nothing wrong with either situation or any situation in between. What do you need in terms of a rehab facility? Are you looking for something specific or are you still just trying to learn what your options are?


Addiction Treatment Types in Indianapolis, IN

What types of drug and alcohol addiction treatment in Indianapolis, IN, would be most effective for you? Does the rehab offer those treatment services? It’s not just about the alcohol withdrawal or addiction recovery, either. Some people also have underlying mental health issues or special circumstances that require a little extra attention. If that’s the case in your situation, be sure to find a rehab that caters to all of these things. In addition to recovery practices and medical detox, the best rehabs also offer a variety of evidence-based treatments including counseling and mental health services to ensure that all patients are truly getting the care that they need. 

Religious Affiliations

Some detox centers and rehab facilities in Indianapolis have religious affiliations or some type of religious undertone. These programs are great for people who want to include their spirituality in their recovery, but they aren’t a requirement. If you think that your faith can help you with your alcohol addiction recovery, feel free to consider treatment centers that are based in that specific faith. 

Some alcohol treatment centers might not have specific affiliations, but they could offer their own AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) program in-house so that patients don’t have to go elsewhere for meetings while they are getting treatment. 

Insurance Considerations

As the growing trend of rehab centers continues, there are also going to be a number of insurance companies that start offering coverage or improve their coverage for addiction treatment. If you or your loved one has insurance that may pay for part or all of the treatment, you should consider that in your decision. However, you can’t just choose the rehab that’s covered by insurance without doing further investigation. No matter what it costs, you can’t put a price on getting your life back. 


Medically-Assisted Detox in Indianapolis, IN

Alcohol is one of the only substances that are more dangerous to stop using than to continue with. For anyone who has been drinking for any number of years and doing so to excess, the body is filled with all the after-effects of that. Once you stop drinking, especially when you do so suddenly, all those bad effects will come roaring back to life in the form of what is commonly called the “DTs” or Delirium Tremens. 

This is a condition that causes severe confusion, hallucinations, and other health effects. It may start simply as shaking, nausea, dizziness, and even high blood pressure. However, when the condition isn’t properly addressed and treated, it can lead to seizures, uncontrollable tremors, heart attack, stroke, and even death. 

During the detox process, the body’s levels of potassium, magnesium, and electrolytes drop suddenly and significantly. If this is severe enough, it can result in the more serious effects listed above. This can last a few days or it could last up to two weeks, depending on how long someone was drinking prior and how their body responds to the detox process. 

This is why medically-assisted detox is almost always a good idea when treating alcohol addiction. 



If you are struggling with alcohol addiction in Indianapolis, IN, and you are ready to get help, you will find no shortage of options available to assist you today. Alcohol is a far more dangerous substance than we give it credit for being. Somehow, drinking became socially acceptable and the “norm” for many, and so the consequences of overindulging often went by the wayside. That’s changing today, too, thanks to more awareness and open dialogue that helps people reduce the shame that comes with addiction. 

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol addiction, don’t try to go through the recovery process alone. Even if you’re fine medically, a lot is going on emotionally and mentally, and you deserve the best support by your side along the way. The first step is the hardest, and you’ve already done that. 

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